Poetry of Fables, Fairies, and Fauna Fables, Fairies, and Fauna    

Lesson 33: I Saw a Little Birdie Fly

by William Allingham

Performer: Librivox - Rosslyn Carlyle

I saw a little Birdie fly,

Merrily piping came he;

"Whom d'ye sing to, Bird?" said I;

"Sing?-I sing to Amy!"

"Very sweet you sing," I said;

"Then," quoth he, "to pay me,

Give one little crumb of bread,

A little smile from Amy."

"Just," he sings, "one little smile;

O, a frown would slay me!

Thanks, and now I'm gone awhile,-

Fare-you-well, dear Amy!"

    Poetry of Fables, Fairies, and Fauna Fables, Fairies, and Fauna    

Lesson 33: I Saw a Little Birdie Fly

by William Allingham

Performer: Librivox - Rosslyn Carlyle


Study the poem for one week.

Over the week:

  • Read or listen to the poem.
  • Review the synopsis.
  • Complete the enrichment activities.
  • Study the review questions.


The narrator asks a bird who it sings to. The bird replies it sings to Amy. The bird asks for payment for its song, a crumb and a smile from Amy.


Piping: A bird singing in a high or shrill voice.
Quoth: Another word for 'said.'
Slay: Kill (a person or animal) in a violent way.
Fare: Happen or turn out (archaic).


Activity 1: Recite the Title, the Poet's Name, and the Poem

  • Each day this week, recite aloud the title of the poem, the name of the poet, and the poem. Instructors may need to prompt children line-by-line.

Activity 2: Study the Poem's Companion Painting

  • Study the painting below, and describe it in your own words.

Find the following in the companion painting:

  • Girl
  • Boy
  • Cage
  • Bird
  • Branches
  • Ivy
  • Window

Activity 3: Narrate the Poem

  • After reading or listening to each verse of the poem, narrate the verse events aloud using your own words.

Activity 4: Color the Poem   

  • Click the crayon above, and complete page 36 of 'Poetry Coloring Pages for First Grade.'


Question 1

What is the title of the poem?
1 / 3

Answer 1

The title of the poem is 'I Saw a Little Birdie Fly.'
1 / 3

Question 2

What happens in the poem?
2 / 3

Answer 2

The narrator asks a bird who it sings to. The bird replies it sings to Amy. The bird asks for payment for its song, a crumb and a smile from Amy.
2 / 3

Question 3

Who are the characters in the poem?
3 / 3

Answer 3

The narrator, the birdie, and Amy.
3 / 3

  1. What is the title of the poem? The title of the poem is 'I Saw a Little Birdie Fly.'
  2. What happens in the poem? The narrator asks a bird who it sings to. The bird replies it sings to Amy. The bird asks for payment for its song, a crumb and a smile from Amy.
  3. Who are the characters in the poem? The narrator, the birdie, and Amy.